Haulin Hooks Reviewed

In order to target serious muscle growth it is necessary to isolate your exercise to specific muscles and muscle groups. If this matches your goals then read on to find out more about the review of Haulin' Hooks.
Hypertrophy Enterprises LLC has come up with a sound product to isolate your hands from the obvious stresses involved with bodybuilding exercises. The heavy-duty metal hooks combined with a padded neoprene wrist strap make the Haulin' Hooks an excellent choice for anybody who is serious about building muscle mass.
The Haulin' Hooks are the brainchild of Daniel Emick. He has been involved with the competitive bodybuilding for 30 years and has seen the progression of this type of product. He has now taken the next step in the grip-assist products with several models to choose from based on your specific body type.
SideBar As the author, I am more of an endurance and cardio guy than your traditional weight lifter and as such would like to point out that these are great for using while on the rowing machine to prevent too much callus build up on your hands |
Now is this the right product for you? It is obvious that the competitive bodybuilder could greatly benefit from a product like this but what about everybody else? If you have ever sustained any wrist or hand injury then you would benefit from having a set of these in your exercise bag of tricks. But if your hands, knuckles, or callused palms prevent you from reaching your exercise goals then these could help you too. No matter what type of lifter you are the benefits are noticed in all types of pulling exercises.
Some of the features that stand out over other weight lifting aids are the adjustable hook positioning loops. This gives you another level of body specific customization for a comfortable feel. The optional tubing sleeve for the metal hooks seem to be more of a mental sense of security than a required one. I used them with and without, and either way I found no problems with slipping on the bar during lifting. Another added bonus is the 30 day trial period and a 100% money back guarantee. The other key feature to this product is between sets, you can get a drink or write in a log book without removing the hooks from your wrists.
Drawbacks to the Haulin' Hooks hold-ons are that I want my hands to feel that sort of stress while I am lifting. I am not a competitive bodybuilder so I want an entire body workout when I go to the gym. They are also somewhat bulky, but I have to go back to what was mentioned earlier. If you are comparing products like Haulin' Hooks, then these are a good way to go.