Perfect Pullup Review

The military is known for its rigorous fitness programs, many are considered hardcore. As people desire more demanding workouts, more and more fitness programs are incorporating military fitness routines into what they offer. People are interested in these programs because of the level of fitness they can attain. For the most part, these military-style workouts have been in the form of workout programs, such as seen in the array of boot camp-style exercise DVDs now available. However, the military influence has started to break into the fitness equipment area. One example of military-inspired fitness equipment is The Perfect Pullup fitness bar.
As its name indicates, The Perfect Pullup was designed primarily to perform pullup exercises the"right" way. The fitness product is not revolutionary in its concept (there are many bars available for doing pull-ups). However, it is unique in the features it offers. Similar equipment only allows users to perform individual exercises. The Perfect Pullup is designed with handles that rotate and adjustable arms that swing. The unique design enables you to perform exercises that are more in line with the way your body moves naturally. The manufacturers of the equipment contend that by using The Perfect Pullup to perform upper-body exercises you are less likely to injure yourself. To make sure you use the equipment correctly, the product ships with 24 Navy SEAL-inspired fitness workouts that are suited for those with low physical condition, as well as those who are already in great shape.
Pullup exercises are typically very hard to do. The Perfect Pullup makes it easy for beginners to work toward performing this difficult exercise. Unlike other pullup bars that require you to use your strength to pull you upwards, The Perfect Pullup's rotating arms allow you to start at a standing position to perform a pullup or a new exercise called an Australian pullup.
What The Perfect Pullup shares with similar products is convenience and simplicity of installation and use. You can easily install the bar in a doorway that measures at least 27 inches wide and no more than three feet. After your workout you simply remove the bar until your next workout session. As long as the door on which you install The Perfect Pullup is in good condition, the equipment is designed to support up to 300 pounds. Weighing only eight pounds, The Perfect Pullup is a great exercise choice for people who travel on a regular basis.
In 2002, veteran Navy SEAL Commander and certified professional trainer Alden Mills started BODYREV, the company that produces The Perfect Pullup and other fitness products. Routines that are performed by Navy SEALS are particularly strenuous. Mills wanted to introduce some of the training exercises he performed as a Navy SEAL to the general population to help them improve their level of muscle strength and endurance.
While people tend to have positive comments about the The Perfect Pullup, there are some complaints about its construction and price. The equipment contains both metal and plastic parts. Although the manufacturer of the equipment notes that it can support up to 300 pounds, many people consider the plastic parts a bit unnerving. In its class of fitness equipment, The Perfect Pullup is higher in price. Similar equipment costs less than $50. There are three levels of Perfect Pullup (Original, Deluxe, and Complete) that retail between $100 and $180.