Proform Treadmills
Proform treadmills attract more potential buyers than any other brand. As a manufacturer of treadmills they have become instantly recognizable. This review takes a closer look at Proform and some of models in their range...
Proform treadmills are produced by Icon Health and Fitness. Icon are huge, in fact they are the biggest manufacturer of exercise equipment in the world. Their list of brand names is impressive, including names such as Weider, Reebok, Weslo and Nordic Track to name a few.

Proform have one of the most comprehensive range of treadmills on the market. You could argue it's too comprehensive -- almost overwhelming. The majority of their treadmills span from very low cost, entry-level models up to treadmills you would class in the mid price range. Typically that equates to a price range of $400 to $1300.
The lowest priced Proform treadmills (under $500) generally receive below average ratings from independent reviewers like Treadmill Doctor. But in fairness they compare them like for like with every treadmill on the market, without taking price into consideration. Most people appreciate a very low priced treadmill is not built to the same quality as a machine costing thousands of dollars.
If you consider yourself a more serious athlete, a seasoned runner or expect your treadmill to receive heavy usage, avoid the lowest priced Proform treadmills...
Treadmills under $1500 "lack general beefiness, structural integrity and overall quality," says Dave Sellers, product test editor for Runner's World "They're light-duty machines." I would say $1500 is a bit steep. There are treadmills on the market now that cost less than $1000 and will easily accommodate seasoned runners.
One of the problems you will encounter with lower priced treadmills is the short warranty. Most treadmills in this price category are covered for 90 days and Proform treadmills are no different. Of course it only becomes a problem should your machine break down in the first few years.
On balance if you are looking for a low priced treadmill your best choice is either a Weslo or one of the lower priced Proform treadmills...
Proform Treadmills to Consider
There are so many Proform treadmills on the market, many with almost identical specifications. Below is a selection of Proform treadmills that covers a cross section of their range and includes what I believe is their best models...
ProForm Crosswalk 385x Treadmill
Low in price which is reflected in the motor size and running deck area. The upper body toning arms may be seen as a bit gimmicky and can take some getting used to. Spend an extra $200 and go for the 995SEL below.
Motor Size: 2.0HP continuous duty
Running Surface: 45in x 16in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: Yes
ProForm 995 SEL Treadmill
If you are a runner looking for substantial power as well as a large running surface and your budget is well under $1000 this is a good option and about Proform's best value for money treadmill.
Motor Size: 2.75HP continuous duty
Running Surface: 55in x 20in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: Yes
Proform 765 Interactive Treadmill
At a $1000 this has very tough competition, not least from Smooth's 5.0P treadmill. In fairness the running deck is roomy and motor size good. The built in CD player is a nice touch if you don't have one. Just a shame about the warranty. If you do opt for Proform the same money will buy you the superior C1250 below.
Motor Size: 2.75HP continuous duty
Running Surface: 55in x 19in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: Yes
Proform C1250 Treadmill
A commercial grade motor, large deck and 8 built in workouts makes this a good entry from Proform. Although the horse power is not as much as the 765 above you should be safer with a commercial grade motor. Just be sure to compare this with the likes of Smooth, Trimline and Spirit before you buy.
Motor Size: 2.0HP commercial continuous duty
Running Surface: 55in x 20in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: Yes
To sum up, if you are looking for a low priced treadmill Proform offer a wide selection under $1000. Weslo are the other very low cost brand worth checking out...
Compare Proform treadmills to Weslo's range with our full review
Once you start looking at Proform treadmills around the $1000 price mark compare them with the likes of Smooth or Reebok. Smooth offer the best warranties in the mid price range...
Compare Proform treadmills to Smooths's range with our full review