Vision Fitness T9200 Review

Vision Fitness is a maker of home and commercial fitness equipment that concentrates on producing equipment that includes quality parts. Download the brochure of any of their treadmills and in addition to product specifications you will find up-close images of the important parts of the machine that hold the machine together. In 2006, Runner's World magazine rated Vision Fitness treadmills in the top 3 of high-end treadmills.
From the larger than average-size rollers to the wax lubricant on the decks that foster a longer equipment life, Vision Fitness treadmills are consumer-centric machines. Vision Fitness recognizes that people who use treadmills vary widely and has a line of 17 unique models. Among this line of treadmills, the durability of the Vision Fitness T9200 has been recognized time-and-time again. These machines are constructed of heavy steel and offer durability that runners who put in a significant amount of miles should appreciate.
The Vision Fitness T9200 treadmill is non-folding, which according to Runner's World magazine is more stable and recommended for individuals who are serious about their walking or running. In a time when sayings, such as "you get what you pay for" prevail, it's nice to know that you can still obtain quality merchandise without paying too much money. The Vision Fitness T9200 is priced between $1300 and $1700, and received a Best Buy rating from Customer Reports magazine.
With the Vision Fitness T9200 you have three choices: simple, deluxe, and premier. The main difference in the versions is the number of programs that are included. The belt area, elevation, motor, cushioning, and floor space are the same for all three versions. With all three versions you also have space for two bottles and a place for reading material. Treadmills tend to vary in the maximum weight supported. All of the Vision Fitness versions are able to support up to 325 pounds.
The Simple version of the Vision Fitness T9200 treadmill is the base model. With many pieces of fitness equipment, the base model includes very few features. This is not the case with the Simple Vision T9200. There aren't any included programs, but the console displays your heart rate, calories, distance, and pace—all the information you need to manage your fitness progress.
The Deluxe version of the Vision Fitness T9200 is the middle-of-the-road model. As you would expect, this treadmill contains features that overlap the Simple and Premier models. This particular version is perfect for a household with varying fitness levels. The console consists of three Smart-Matrix LED windows that allow the user to monitor their progress. There are 13 programs from which to choose that include heart-rate management.
The Vision Fitness T9200 Premier model is considered the top version of this treadmill model. Individuals who already have a rigorous training routine or have a desire to reach such a level will appreciate the advance programs included with the Premier model. This version features 16 programs. Being able to monitor your progress during a workout is a snap with the Vision Fitness T9200 premier treadmill. The display is developed with two Advanced Smart Matrix HRT LED windows that provide feedback regarding the user's experience on the treadmill.
The suite of Vision Fitness T9200 Treadmill versions offers the serious treadmill user quality equipment at a reasonable price.